Stuck with a house that’s worth less than what you owe?

Feel like your big mortgage is holding you back from moving to a new place, or chasing a great job somewhere else? Maybe you’re dealing with a leaky roof and can’t see a way out?

You’re not the only one feeling this way. But there’s some good news.

Here at Rest Assured Home Buyers, we’ve got a special program just for folks in your situation. Even if you’re facing foreclosure, we can help.

Depending on whether you live in this property or not can determine which of several options we have to help.

  • Are you looking to keep the home or would you rather sell it and move on?

  • Do you need help making sure you have a roof over your head, or do you have somewhere else to live?

  • Do you need the money from the sale of your house to be able to move into your next house?
  • Is there another situation causing you to face foreclosure such as a divorce, death of a loved one, uncooperative siblings, issues with the bank, or Homeowners Associations who are out to get you?

Fill out the form below and one of our property specialists will be able to answer your questions and see if you qualify for one of our purchase programs.